Essential documents and forms for your surgical care journey.
Find key documents on patient rights, privacy, and medical information, along with answers to frequently asked questions to help you prepare for your visit.
Important forms and information
at your fingertips.
Patient Information Guide
Surprise Billing Notice
Good Faith Estimate
Notice of Privacy Practices
Power of Attorney Form
Medical Record Release
Advance Directive
Minor Children
Children under the age of 18 will not be seen without a parent or legal guardian. Foster parents of children will need to bring court documentation of guardianship, and have all registration forms completed prior to the surgery and signed by a representative of the Department of Family Services. The representative must be present with the foster child on the day of surgery. It is also possible for the representative of the Department of Family Services to sign a Power of Attorney Form to give the foster parent authority to seek and consent to medical treatment.
A Power of Attorney can also be used in situations where the legal guardian (i.e.; parent) is unable to attend the surgery, but would like to assign authority to a grandparent, step parent or other designee who will be present during surgery. If custody or guardianship of a patient has been awarded by a court of law, court papers must be presented prior to surgery.
Advance Directives
Formal advance directives are documents that state your choices for health care. Advance directives allow you to make known your wishes regarding the medical care you do or do not want to receive if you become too sick to speak for yourself. If you present an advanced directive when you check in for your surgical procedure, a copy will be made and become a part of your medical record and will be transferred with you to a hospital if a higher level of care should be required.
Medical Records
Individuals who have been a patient at Big Sky Surgery Center have a right to access or receive copies of their medical records except under certain very limited conditions. A written HIPAA compliant release form is required.
Patient Satisfaction
Thank you for choosing Big Sky Surgery Center for your outpatient procedure.
Your satisfaction is very important to us. Please take a moment to tell us how we did by filling out the following form and faxing or mailing it back to us! All suggestions and comments are appreciated.
Answering common questions for a smooth experience.
What bills can I expect to receive after surgery?
If surgery is required, separate statements will be sent to you for each provider of services. You may receive billing from each of the following:
- Pathology/Lab
- Big Sky Surgery Center
- Your Physician
- Your Physician’s Surgical Assistant
- Anesthesiologist
Does Big Sky Surgery Center contract with my insurance company?
We are preferred providers with most insurance companies. However, to ensure that we are contracted with your specific health plan, please contact your insurance company prior to surgery to verify eligibility and coverage.
Does my surgery/procedure require pre-authorization?
Many insurance companies require pre-authorization. We recommend that you call your insurance company prior to your procedure at Big Sky Surgery Center to pre-authorize and verify coverage. They can also tell you terms of your contract regarding your deductible, coinsurance and/or co-pay.
Will Big Sky Surgery Center bill my insurance company?
As a courtesy we will bill your primary and secondary insurance companies. If your insurance company does not respond within 30 days the balance then becomes your responsibility.
I just received my bill and I cannot pay the full amount. What should I do?
Please call our Patient Accounts Department at (406) 542-6559. They will be happy to discuss payment options with you.
Can I pay my bill with a credit card?
Yes. We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Care Credit.
How do I obtain a copy of my records?
You can download a printable version of Big Sky Surgery Center’s Medical Record Release form here. Complete this form and either mail, fax (406-542-9040), or bring it to our office.
Why can’t I eat or drink before surgery?
Food or fluids could be aspirated (breathed) into your lungs. This can cause infection and lead to pneumonia, which may require hospitalization.
Why do I need to remove my jewelry?
During surgery a cautery unit is used to stop bleeding. Any metal on the body could cause an arc and may cause a burn.
If I am taking blood thinners, what do I do?
Talk to your physician. You may need to be off your medication for a period of time. You may need lab work.
What if I am ill on the day of my surgery?
Call your physician. If you cannot reach your physician’s office, please call Big Sky Surgery Center.
Can I drive myself home after surgery?
It is never a good idea to drive yourself home from surgery, as anesthesia can slow reflexes, slow your thought processes, and can even cause amnesia in the hours following surgery. So while you may feel like yourself, your ability to drive and your judgment may be severely hampered. Patients having local anesthesia may drive themselves home after their procedure, but patients going under general anesthesia may not.
If I rent a Polar Care Ice Machine, where should I return it?
The ice machines need to be returned to Pacific Medical, which is located in the Northern Rockies Orthopaedics building on South Ave. If your ice machine breaks during that time, please call (406)327-9200.